[LIVE] Addressing Challenging Behaviors in the Classroom: Creating a Strengths-based Net of Healing, Learning, and Connection for Struggling Students
This course will introduce participants to the concepts of Adlerian & Dreikursian psychology. Their concept of using the mistaken goals of misbehavior to problem solve with students and shift them toward prosocial behavior will be a focus of the workshop. Essential social and emotional skills will be presented and the importance of teaching them in the classroom, as well as partnering with parents to reinforce them at home through a scaffolded system of social and emotional instruction will be shared. Development, basic needs, emergent special needs, neuroscience, and systems of oppression will be introduced as nuances to this way of looking at student behavior. Participants will be introduced to the American model of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports as a well as some protocols for professional learning communities to use in creating behavior plans that center student strengths.
Participants will be able to:
- Understand the basic tenants of Adlerian psychology
- Explore the nuances of how development, emerging special needs, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and systems of oppression impact student behavior
- Learn the importance of centering social and emotional learning in the classroom for prosocial behavior and optimal learning outcomes
- Learn how to teach students a growth mindset and shift to prosocial behaviors using encouragement
- Comprehend the way the brain responds to what it perceives to be physical and emotional attacks
- Experience sentence frames for problem solving with students and practice using them
- Practice using the mistaken goal chart to determine interventions for challenging student behaviors using the Teacher’s Helping Teachers Problem Solving Steps
- Gain exposure to Multi-tiered System of Supports, a model that schools can use to focus on student strengths in partnership with parents and community resource providers
Session 1: Creating a Connected Classroom
- Understand the elements of Adlerian psychology
- Explore short term vs. long-term classroom guidance strategies and how culture impacts what SEL skills are taught
- See how emotions, the nervous system, and the brain impact learning at school
- Compare and contrast fixed mindset vs. growth mindset adult communication
- Discuss how adultism impacts adult relationships with students and imbeds systems of oppression in schools
- Find out how the use of “I Statements” can teach students prosocial communication skills
Session 2: Centering Strengths and Skills Mastery in Supporting Struggling Students
- Learn about how regular practice of compliments and appreciations can create a positive classroom culture
- Learn about and apply new knowledge of the mistaken goals of misbehavior
- Analyze a case study of a student in need of support from a volunteer in the course using the Teachers Helping Teachers Problem Solving Steps protocol
- Gain exposure to how the planes of development and the hierarchy of needs impact student behavior
- Look at contemporary views on neurodiversity & an overview of Multi-tiered System of Supports
- Explore a protocol for partnering with children and their parents to help students in need of support find balance in the classroom
Trainer’s Profile
Jill S. is an educational consultant and social and emotional learning trainer and coach based out of Bellingham, WA, USA. For most of her 25-year career, she has worked in American and Chinese public and independent schools with young people (ages 2-18) and their families as a teacher, school administrator, and most recently the Early Childhood Social and Emotional Learning Specialist in an international school in China. She holds a master’s degree in educational leadership from DePaul University in Chicago, IL, USA and is a Positive Discipline Association certified trainer. She is fascinated by the ways that schools acculturate students and enjoys sharing tools to help make classrooms and subsequently cultures places that work for us all!
Didactic instruction, role-play, large and small group discussions, didactic instruction, self-assessment, verbal and written reflection, exploring and practicing group and team verbal and written support protocols
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Target Audience
Teachers, counselors, and administrators serving students ages 3 – 18
1 person: SGD350.00 (USD270.00)/person
2 to 4 person: SGD340 (USD260)
5 person & more: SGD330 (USD250)
E-certificate will be issued
Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 6 hours
Closing Date: 19 Nov 2022
See also Other Upcoming Workshops …

Other Available Sessions
- From Chaos to Calm: Managing Behavior through Executive Function in the Classroom - 15 May 2025 - 16 May 2025 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Online
- Addressing Challenging Behaviors in the Classroom - 12 Jun 2025 - 13 Jun 2025 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Online
- From Chaos to Calm: Managing Behavior through Executive Function in the Classroom - 14 Aug 2025 - 15 Aug 2025 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Online
- From Chaos to Calm: Managing Behavior through Executive Function in the Classroom - 25 Nov 2025 - 26 Nov 2025 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Online