[LIVE] Preventing and Addressing Challenging Behaviors in the Early Learning Classroom (UTC +8)

When / Where

15 Sep 2020 – 17 Sep 2020
8:00 am – 11:00 am Asia/Singapore

The overarching goal of this workshop is to learn evidence based practices to support the social, emotional skills of young children (ages 2-8) as well as to learn practical strategies that can prevent and address challenging behaviors in the early learning classroom. The workshop will be based on the Center for Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning (CSEFEL)Teaching Pyramid.  Participants will leave the workshop with a solid understanding of how to build positive relationships with ALL children, design supportive classroom environments, and teach key social and emotional skills. Participants will also learn how to conduct a user-friendly functional behavioral assessment in order to develop individualized behavior support plans for children who are displaying concerning rates of challenging behaviors. A combination of engaging presentations with video based examples, interactive application activities, and resource-rich handouts will help participants transfer their learning to real early care and education settings and situations. Throughout the workshop, participants will reflect on their own settings and create a do-able plan of action for improvement.

Participants will:

  • Identify teacher child interactions that serve to build positive relationships with young children.
  • Identify classroom management skills that prevent challenging behavior and increase active engagement in early learning settings.
  • Describe and apply evidence based social-emotional skill lessons for young children, such as how to increase emotional literacy, teach young children how to handle anger and disappointment and how to solve interpersonal problems.
  • Learn how to observe and record a functional behavior assessment in an early care setting.
  • Develop an individualized behavior support plans based on findings from functional behavior assessments

Session 1:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • The Cycle of Challenging Behavior
    • Identifying teachable moments
    • Moving from reactive to proactive
  • Introducing the Teaching Pyramid to support Social and Emotional Skills
    • Overview of the Teaching Pyramid
  • Building positive relationships with young children
  • Creating supportive environments
    • Physical arrangements that decrease challenging behavior and increase engagement
    • Creating supportive schedules and transitions
    • Social arrangements and interactions in classrooms
  • Social and Emotional Teaching Strategies*
    • Emotional Literacy
      • What is it and why is it important
      • Sharing practical strategies for building emotional literacy
        • Children’s books
        • Songs and Games
        • Feeling Embedded Everyday Learning (FEEL approach to teaching)

Session 2:

  • Social and Emotional Teaching Strategies (cont’d)*
    • Teaching young children strategies for handling anger and disappointment
      • Why is this important?
      • Practical strategies for teaching children to handle anger
    • Interpersonal Problem Solving
      • What is developmentally appropriate social problem solving?
      • Practical Strategies of teaching young children to solve problems
    • Friendship Skills
      • Why is this important?
      • Practical strategies to support young children’s friendship skills
  • Determining the Meaning of Challenging Behavior
    • Form and Function of behavior
    • The Behavior Equation
      • Triggers, Behavior, Consequence
      • Hypothesized function
    • Practice with video review and conducting functional assessments

Session 3:

  • Developing Behavior Support plans
    • Introducing case studies of real children
  • Prevention strategies
    • Based on function
    • Practical ideas for case studies
  • Replacement Skills
    • Ideas for addressing the function by teaching appropriate alternatives
    • Practical strategies
    • Apply to case study
  • Responses
    • How to respond when challenging behavior occurs
    • How to respond when replacement skill is used
  • Monitoring outcomes
    • Practical strategies for collecting data on children’s behavior to determine the effectiveness of the behavior plan

Trainer’s Profile

Dr. Gail J. is the Bezos Family Distinguished Professor in Early Learning at the University of Washington. She teaches courses, advises students, provides service, and conducts research on topics related to early care and education. Gail has been involved in research projects, trainings, and technical assistance activities at the local, state, and national levels. Her areas of research include equity in early learning, teacher preparation and professional learning, and promoting children’s social emotional learning. She is the creator of several digital professional learning resources such as Teacher Time, Circle time Magazine, and Meaningful Makeovers. She was the PI of the Head Start Center for Inclusion, and the Co-PI of the National Center for Quality Teaching and Learning (NCQTL) funded by the Office of Head Start. Currently, Gail serves as the Founding Director of the EarlyEdU Alliance as well as the Executive Director of Cultivate Learning at the University of Washington.


This workshop is based on a top-rated course Dr. Gail teaches both in person and online at the University of Washington.  A combination of engaging presentations with video based examples, interactive application activities in break out rooms, case studies and resource-rich handouts will help participants transfer their learning to real early care and education settings and situations. Throughout the workshop, participants will discuss content in virtual small groups, share ideas and then reflect on their own settings and create a do-able plan of action for improvement.


A Zoom account is not required if you are strictly joining Zoom Meetings as a participant. An email invite will be emailed to you prior to the live workshop. Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can download the Zoom app from the Download Center. Otherwise, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a join link.

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Target Audience

This workshop is most well suited for all early learning professionals working with preschool and early elementary age children (Prek-2nd grade).

SGD350.00/person for all 3 sessions
E-certificate will be issued

Other Details
Duration: 3 days, 9 hours
Closing Date:  1 Sep 2020

See also Other Upcoming Workshops

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