Children at Play: Hands-on Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom

When / Where

18 Jun 2007 – 19 Jun 2007
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Asia/Singapore

How do young children learn best? By playing, of course! And child’s play is such “serious” fun…kids don’t even realize how hard they’re working. Hands-on learning experiences prepare young children to succeed in school and life. And play is very important to their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. An exciting hands-on seminar to discover innovative new ways to turn your classroom into a wonder-filled place where YOU make the difference in just how much young children are learning.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Discover how creative play can promote language development, teach early literacy skills, and motivate young children to learn.
  • Learn innovative ways to link hands-on play to academic concepts…and the standards.
  • Explore the social, emotional, and intellectual benefits of play.
  • Learn how to effectively communicate the benefits of play-based experiences with parents, colleagues, and administrators.
  • Examine developmentally appropriate activities and games.
  • Gain a better understanding of every child’s learning style.
  • Discover how to turn everyday classroom experiences into great opportunities for learning.
  • Experience “hands-on” and “hands-in” art and science activities.
  • Recharge passion for teaching and share it with their children

Day 1:

  • Introduction & Overview
    •  The Secret of ‘Good Teaching’
      • Understanding the ‘why’ behind your work
    • Six Components of a Child-Centred Classroom
  •  Ooey Gooey® Activities and Recipes
    • Demonstrations
    • Linking to the Standards
    • Hands-on Exploration
  • Defining How Play is School Readiness
  • The Seven Things Teachers Must Do Everyday

Day 2:

  • Incorporate the Multiple Intelligences Theory into your planning so every child can succeed
  • Wake up the scientists in your class with easy-to-do science experiments and activities
  • Use books and stories to develop oral and written communication skills
  • Plan lessons and activities that connect to the standards
  • Tap into the power of nursery rhymes to teach and reinforce math, science and socialization skills
  • Implement a simple story-writing process that really works!
  • Communicate effectively with administrators, parents and colleagues

Trainer’s Profile
Lisa, has been an early childhood educator for over fifteen years. She has worked with preschool and kindergarten children in various environments and is committed to showing teachers how play-based activities get children ready for school! In addition to being a dynamic and passionate speaker, Lisa has the ability to refuel teachers with the energy they need to return to their classrooms ready to do what’s right for their children.

Interactive lecture, discussion, activity demonstrations, hands-on playtime and large motor movement games.  Two fast, full days of learning and laughing!

Target Audience
Teachers (grades PreK to K), Principals, Reading Specialists, Reading Tutors, Special Education Teachers

Duration: 2 days, 14 hours
Closing Date: 15 May 07

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