Pedagogical Documentation in Reggio Inspired Education

When / Where

29 Nov 2017 – 30 Nov 2017
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

Pedagogical Documentation in Reggio Inspired Education: A powerful tool for improving understanding, communication and professional growth workshop aims to explore how the methodology of pedagogical documentation can help educators make intentional choices pertinent to the learning processes and desires of children/students, and to share the choices with them. The two-day workshop will consider how pedagogical documentation can accompany the meaning of assessment from a social constructivist perspective seeing as essential the need to interpret the observations and the documents we gather with other colleagues. The focus of the workshop will be to reflect and study upon the traces that children offer to us through their words, their actions, and interactions as well as through their artifacts to view pedagogical documentation as co-construction of knowledge which includes the cycle and recycle of discourse-design-documentation.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the purpose of pedagogical documentation
  • Articulate the necessity and importance given to observation and listening for pedagogical documentation
  • Hypothesize about the children’s interests and understandings through pedagogical documentation in dialogue with colleagues
  • Understand and demonstrate the possibilities and limitations of the tools used in documenting

Day 1:  How do we define pedagogical documentation? A social constructivist perspective

  • Introducing ourselves as a community of learners
  • Looking at human cognition and learning as social and cultural rather than an individual phenomena
  • How we come to know and understand as opposed to deterministic ways
  • Reflecting upon the cycle of discourse-design-documentation
  • Making hypotheses through viewing examples of pedagogical documentation

Day 2: Personal/Group experiences of pedagogical documentation

  • Participants will experiment pedagogical documentation with three aspects in mind:
    What is our purpose? What is our message? Who is our audience?
  • Interpreting our observations and documents we have gathered with other colleagues
  • Reflection on how the methodology of pedagogical documentation can be incorporated into each of our learning contexts

Trainer’s Profile
Dr. Junko C. earned her BA from Sophia University, Tokyo and her MA in Education from Michigan State University, USA. She received her EdD (Doctorate of Education) from the University of Bath, UK. She continues her research into how children learn from a socioconstructive perspective. Dr. Junko has been in the field of early childhood education within an international school context for almost 40 years.  This international context flows easily within her as she has lived and learned overseas across different cultures from an early age. From this experience, she appreciates how having roots deeply in one’s own
culture helps to understand the culture and thinking of others. On the back of her extensive career working directly with people – both children and adults –she has presented and consulted for numerous organizations and has accredited key educational institutions globally.  She continues to advocate the importance of building from the foundation of what is fundamentally important and necessary, that of people and the relationships within. With children as her inspiration, Dr. Junko’s long-term study of the Reggio philosophy puts theory and practice in contexts across many fields and genres. She believes that reflection and interpretation as on-going experiences generate fresh outlooks and learning to reframe ‘words’ and ‘worlds’ for both children and adults.

This workshop will incorporate both presentation on the foundations of pedagogical documentation as derived from the educators of Reggio Emilia, viewing examples of pedagogical documentation and collaborative hands-on experiences taking part in the process of documenting. Participants will have the opportunity to share and reflect upon their learning through the pedagogical documentation they will co-construct with colleagues. Participants are asked to bring along a device, such as a digital camera, smart phone or tablet to take images as part of the documentation process.

Target Audience
Early Childhood Educators, Elementary Teachers, Administrators

SGD700.00/pax if register by 15 Aug 17
Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date:  15 Sep 17 20 Nov 17

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