Emergent Curriculum in Children’s Learning Environment

When / Where

23 Nov 2015 – 24 Nov 2015
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

The focus of this interactive workshop is to enhance understanding and application about emergent curriculum principles in developing learning environment for young children.

Through discussions, hands-on and reflective activities, participants will gain a deeper understanding about the principles of emergent curriculum – observation and documentation of learning, planning based on documented observations and children’s interests and learning, interpretation of observations and documentation, and setting up an environment that supports active play for both individual and group learning.

Participants will identify and discuss:

  • Emergent curriculum principles
  • The child as a protagonist
  • The role of the adult in an emergent curriculum stetting
  • The role of the learning environment
  • Building partnerships

Day 1: Overview of Emergent Curriculum

  • The key principles of an emergent curriculum – observations and documentation,  reflective practices, organization of materials and resources
  • The role of the child in an emergent curriculum setting – active participant, protagonist,
  • The role of the adult in the development of an emergent curriculum – documenting,   reflecting, facilitating children’s learning, and planning

Day 2: Planning for an Emergent Curriculum

  • The role of environment – organization, flexibility, materials and resources
  • Organization based on children’s interests, emergent learning and developmental stages
  • Strategies to encourage active partnerships with families and individuals in the community

Trainer’s Profile
Dr. Crowther’s background includes teaching in early childhood, elementary school, university and college programs. She has presented at numerous childcare conferences both nationally and internationally.  She has published articles in a variety of journals and has completed ten textbooks in the early years, and a number of children’s books that include photographs of children in a variety of international settings at play.

Today Dr. Crowther is working in various jurisdictions to help to develop developmentally appropriate learning environments and curricula for children and to facilitate adult learning in early years settings.

This workshop demonstrates principles of emergent curriculum to foster greater understanding and practice of emergent learning.

Target Audience
This workshop is designed for all teachers and other adults who work in a school setting with students from preschool through Primary school (ages 3 to 12).

HKD5500.00/pax if register by   1 Jun 15 1 Jul 15

Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Sep 2015 1 Oct 2015

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