Emergent Curriculum

When / Where

17 Aug 2016 – 18 Aug 2016
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

In emergent curriculum, the emphasis of the curriculum is focused on planning that needs to emerge from the daily life of children and adults, particularly from the children’s own interests. An emergent curriculum builds on the theories of constructivism, particularly social constructivism. Of central importance to this theory is the emphasis that learning takes place through joint activities and interactions with others. Knowledge is constructed when the learner engages with others, and in the interaction that accompanies, directs and reflects on their shared experiences. This interactive workshop will help participants define the term emergent curriculum and consider how it fits within 21st century teaching and learning that supports inquiry and project based learning. Participants will be introduced to the Reggio Emilia Approach to early learning as an example of the use of a curriculum that emerges. This will be an interactive workshop that models the principles of emergent curriculum. Through discussions, hands-on and reflective experiences participants will gain a deeper understanding about emergent curriculum especially how it relates to observation, documentation and planning. Emergent curriculum can be applied to any age group of learners. Participants will understand emergent curriculum because they will experience it beginning with an assessment of prior knowledge and utilizing a KWHLAQ chart (What do I know? What do I want to know? How do I find out? What have I learned? What Action will I take? What new Questions do I have?)

Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Assess and reflect on the theoretical and historical influences on emergent curriculum through a presentation including images and graphics
  • Learn ways to apply emergent curriculum principles into practice by engaging in an emergent curriculum process as adult learners
  • Develop program plans that reflect an emergent curriculum methodology by co-creating/constructing within small groups
  • Increase awareness of resources and research on emergent as well as opportunities to share and collaborate through the use of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest
  • Explore ways of supporting emergent curriculum in theory and practice.

Day 1:

  • Ice Breaker
  • Discussing prior knowledge of emergent curriculum
  • Introduction to emergent curriculum
  • Background – (history and theory) of emergent curriculum
  • Definitions – coming to terms with terms – projects, curriculum, interests, etc. Group discussion
  • Reviewing emergent curriculum examples including the Project Approach and the Reggio Emilia Approach and reflecting on application to all age groups of learners
  • One-Minute Review of the Day

Day 2:

  • Ice Breaker
  • Setting up an environment to support emergent curriculum – planning and design experience
  • Applying the principles of emergent curriculum to decide curriculum directions – including documentation, reflection and shared interpretation
  • Planning Exercise to co-create/construct a useable format
  • The observation and documentation process of an emergent curriculum – co-create/construct concrete examples
  • Accessing resources and research – through social media platforms such as Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook
  • One-Minute Review of the Day

Trainer’s Profile
Dr  Diane Kashin is a professor at Ryerson University in Ontario, Canada. Diane’s background is in early childhood education. Diane has offered multiple professional learning experiences, has provided on-site consultation to schools and programs and is an experienced adult educator. In 2009, Diane’s doctoral dissertation on Reggio-inspired curriculum was published. Diane has also published two academic, peer-reviewed articles and two early childhood education textbooks with co-author Beverlie Dietze. Diane is committed to the use of social media as a tool of professional learning.

This two-day workshop   comprising of many opportunities for experiential and collaborative hands-on learning opportunities is built upon the principles of constructivist theory. Participants will have the opportunity to be fully engaged, interact with colleagues, reflect on, and document their learning in an environment that is supportive of multiple ways of knowing helping educators build their professional knowledge base about practice and theory.

Target Audience
The target audience is teachers, early childhood educators, and administrators, working with learners of any age.

SGD650.00/pax if register by 1 Apr 16

Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Jun 16

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