Getting back to the HEART of teaching

When / Where

26 Oct 2009 – 27 Oct 2009
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Asia/Singapore

Feeling run down from the day to day pressures of teaching?  Looking for new and exciting ways to engage and inspire learners?  In this hands-on and interactive workshop, get back to the heart of teaching by first examining how your passion for teaching can inspire and motivate students.  Then, learn classroom-tested tips and tricks to bring passion and harmony back into your teaching.

Learn how to better connect with your students and parents through the use of B.E.E. Books: communication notebooks that will help teach your students responsibility while informing parents and saving you time.  Make homework fun through the use of interactive Traveling Bags.  Promote story recall, fluency, and reading comprehension skills through Book Treasures, Poetry Journals, Buddy Reading, and Book Boxes.  Learn how to discipline with dignity using the Stop Card System.  Update calendar routines with Calendar Books and build classroom community through Morning Meeting.  Use silly handshakes, movement songs, the Author’s Chair, and share times to develop social and emotional skills.  Finally, increase math and literacy success by structuring instructional time for Sensational Centers and small group learning.  Come prepared to laugh, sing, and share.  In return, you will take home a pocketful of ready- to-use ideas that will put your heart back in the classroom!

Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Renew excitement and passion for teaching
  • Take home new ideas that inspire student learning and success
  • Learn new ways to inspire learners to become independent and responsible
  • Examine techniques for improving communication between home and school
  • Update circle and calendar time using the Morning Meeting approach
  • Utilize center time more purposely for math and literacy
  • Learn how to end the day in a happy and purposeful way 

Day 1:

  • Meet and Greet
    • Partner Up: Something more than numbering off!
    • Social and Emotional Development: “Lollipop handshakes and Shooting Stars”
  • Exploring the Teacher’s Heart
    • Exploring what inspires teachers
    • Examining what steals our passion
    • Using your heart to inspire your teaching
  • Creating a Heartfelt Classroom
    • Making the learning environment more inviting
    • Classroom Design: Blueprint Time
    • “Sensational Centers, even in Small Spaces!”
    • Celebrate the learner by creating classroom traditions and rituals
    • Discipline with Dignity: Stop Card System
    • Singing your way through the day
  • Building a School Family
    • Creating responsible learners and informed parents
    • Bee Books: Setting up a communication notebook
    • Updating the Classroom Newsletter
    • Utilizing Email and the Internet
    • Homework Contracts
    • Inspire Learning at Home through Traveling Bags and Book Treasures
  • Make and Take Time

Day 2:

  • Share Time
    • Partner up and share homework assignment.
  • Beginning with a Beautiful Morning Meeting
    • Building student self-esteem through “Lollipop Handshakes and Shooting Stars”
    • Creating classroom community and unity
    • Wiggle Time and Share Time
    • Making the most of Morning Message
    • Updating the calendar routine and incorporating Calendar Books
  • Make and Take Time
  • Making Marvellous Mathematicians
    • Inspiring student success through sensational centers (Even in small spaces!)
    • Making math memorable using inexpensive manipulative
    • Math Journals and Problem Solving
  • Learning with Literacy Centers
    • Inspiring student success through sensational centers (Even in small spaces!)
    • Creating time for small group instruction
    • Buddy reading, Poetry Journals, and Book Boxes
  • Closing
    • Celebrating the Day: Don’t end the day in chaos!  Leave orderly and happy!
    • A Memory for my Pocket

Trainer’s Profile
Julie Anne M. is an enthusiastic and entertaining presenter who is known for inspiring her participants.  She is an early childhood educator with over a decade of experience in the classroom (in both private and public schools) and as an educational consultant, focusing on language arts instruction.  Julie Anne has presented workshops in the United States at conventions such as the ACSI Fall Convention, ACSI Early Childhood Convention, and SAEYC as well as workshops for pre-service teachers at the University of North Texas.  Julie Anne also has trained teachers in language arts curriculum throughout the United States, including Texas, North Carolina, Alabama, and Louisiana.

This workshop utilizes interactive discussion, pair-share, collaborative group work, singing and “make and take” time.  Participants are encouraged to laugh, ask questions, and share ideas.  Participants should bring scissors, glue, and crayons or markers to participate in the “Make and Take” portions of the workshop.

Target Audience
Preschool teachers, kindergarten teachers, lower elementary (1-3 grades)  Ages 4-9 Administrators are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Duration: 2 days, 14 hours
Closing Date: 1 Sep 09

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