[LIVE] Inquiry-Based Practices & the Role of Documentation

When / Where

14 Jun 2021 – 15 Jun 2021
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Asia/Singapore

In our everyday lives, we think of inquiry as questioning, searching for information, and finding out about things we are interested in. For children in their early years, this definition is no different – they want to know how the world works and are on a quest to find out. How we as educators respond to their curiosity is what this series of workshops is about. How do children’s questions and ideas affect our practice? Our classroom environments? Our relationships with children? How do we provide environments that support inquiry?

Participants will uncover, reflect upon, and discuss:

  • Intro to Inquiry-based early years practices – the foundations and practicalities of this approach
  • The role of curiosity in inquiry, on the part of both children and teachers
  • How documentation of many varieties can support the process of inquiry, and guide decision-making
  • The role of the environment in inquiry – examining the environment as not only the physical, but also relational; seeing the environment as a place of teacher research.

Session 1: What’s under your umbrella? An overview of inquiry-based practices, and the role of Documentation within inquiry.

  • Think about the idea of inquiry as an umbrella, under which we find several child-centred approaches: Emergent practices, Inspirations from Reggio Emilia, Play-Based curricula, and so on.
  • The origins and foundations of inquiry-based approaches
  • What inquiry looks like and how it unfolds in early years practices
  • The role of documentation in Inquiry-based practice – a tool for reflection and decision-making.

Session 2: The Cycle of Inquiry and Documenting our way through it: Where to begin and how we progress through the cycle in collaboration with children. Documentation’s role as a support in this process.

  • Examine the Cycle of Inquiry for adults and children. How do these two cycles intertwine? Collaboration with children, walking alongside them in learning
  • Documentation as a part of Inquiry; uncovering many forms of documentation & what works best for you.
  • Setting the stage for inquiry – the role of the environment
  • Putting it all together: Children’s ideas and curiosities, teachers’ responses, collaborations with all protagonists, documenting our process.

Trainer’s Profile

Susan S. is a teacher-educator and author who regularly consults with and supports early years practitioners in Canada, U.S.A, and other countries, both in person and online. She has worked in the field of ECE for 35 years, as a Director, Practicum Advisor, College Instructor, and designs and delivers PD for the Early Years Curriculum Framework in Nova Scotia. Her work is grounded in reflective and responsive practices.

She is the author of 4 books: Emergent Curriculum in Early Childhood Settings (2nd ed.); Unscripted: Emergent Curriculum in Action; Pedagogical Documentation; and Inquiry-Based Early Learning Environments. 


Workshop will include reflective practice in action, discussion, and sharing of experiences, as well as examples that make inquiry-based learning come to life.


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Target Audience

All adults who work with young children in early years settings, or work with teachers-in-training for the early years and primary age groups.

SGD400.00/person for all 2 sessions
E-certificate will be issued

Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 6 hours
Closing Date:  4 June 2021

See also Other Upcoming Workshops

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