Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties (Early/Elementary)
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Providing supports to struggling learners by randomly selecting best practices leaves effectiveness up to chance. Research based practices only work when matched to the needs of the learner. So how does a teacher know which support to put into place for a struggling learner?
Classrooms continue to grow in diversity daily. When a student is struggling in a class, it is important to identify why the student is struggling before putting support in place. This allows for support to be intentional and targeted. However, this is not such a simple task. Students may have neurological, motivational or cognitive obstacles keeping them from being successful. Additionally, the curriculum or environment may be providing added challenges.
This workshop will help participants understand and work through the problem solving process to target the source of the learning challenges of a student. Following, participants will also explore the learning support that address the challenges, which in turn, help students overcome their difficulties. These research-based strategies are applicable and can be applied immediately in the early or elementary learning classroom with specific tasks and throughout the day.
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Implement the problem solving process to identify sources of learning challenges
- Identify the different types of thinking required within the curriculum that are associated with different teaching approaches
- Evaluate and alter learning environment to intentionally and systematically meet the needs of different students
- Generate perspectives to identify neurological observable patterns suggesting the need for support in learning
- Utilize recognition of cognitive processing to provide intentional support to struggling learners
- Identify critical factors related to motivation in early and elementary learners
Session 1:
- What is systematic problem solving
- Elements of providing intentional supports and interventions
- Monitoring and measuring impact of support
- Understanding the levels of thinking within the curriculum
- The elements within the environment and the impact of adjustments or acknowledgment of them
Session 2:
- Different Neurological processing systems and their impact on learning
- Strategies to support each neurological process
- Three Cognitive processes and how to support learners struggling with these processes
- Keys to motivating young learners
Trainer’s Profile
With over 25 years as a teacher and administrator of general education, special education and gifted education, Jodi specializes in professional development for educators in the area of differentiation for students from ages 3-adult. She is a former Director of Special Education, President of the Florida Association for Gifted and is the Past President for the Family Network on Disabilities. She has worked with student populations from ages 3 to Adult. She has multiple publications with her first as a contributing writer in the Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul (2002). Her first book on her own, Beyond Differentiated Instruction (Corwin, 2010) is being sold internationally and is used at several university programs. She has also written a set of books- titled RtI and Differentiated Instruction- A Teacher’s Guide (Corwin, 2011) and is currently working on a new publication. She has presented at state, national and international conferences and workshops in the US, Asia and Australia as a presenter and keynote speaker. Jodi has worked as a consultant with several International Schools throughout Asia. Jodi currently resides in Florida, USA.
This interactive workshop will reflect the process of differentiating instruction through the use of modeling, questioning, discussions, reflective activities, and coaching feedback.
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Target Audience
Early and Elementary Educators
1 person: SGD400.00 (USD300.00)/person
2 to 4 person: SGD380.00 (USD290.00)/person
5 person & more: SGD360.00 (USD280.00/person)
E-certificate will be issued
Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 6 hours
Closing Date: 17 Jan 2024
See also Other Upcoming Workshops …

Other Available Sessions
- Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties (Early/Elementary) - 26 Mar 2025 - 27 Mar 2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Singapore
- Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties (Early/Elementary) - 28 May 2025 - 29 May 2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Australia
- Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties (Early/Elementary) - 10 Sep 2025 - 11 Sep 2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Adelaide