Using Communicative Strategies to Develop Literacy Competence

When / Where

12 May 2016 – 13 May 2016
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

This interactive workshop will focus on developing strong literacy skills (reading and writing) by establishing a strong communicative base. Strategies include using real materials to reinforce application of learning, discussions to solve challenges, analyzing examples of children’s efforts to understand children’s literary behaviours.

At the end of the workshop participants will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between child development and literacy competencies
  • Demonstrate an understanding of literacy that includes effective communication, alternative communication forms, reading, and writing
  • Develop strategies that lead to increased literacy competence

Day 1:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the following concepts for various age groups:
    • Receptive language development
    • Expressive language development
    • Development of appropriate body language
    • Cultural considerations
    • Literacy development
  • Demonstrate the interconnection of concepts of literacy development
    • Discuss the relationship between language development and literacy
    • Discuss the relationship between reading, writing and phonetic development
    • Identify other concepts that enhance literacy development including music and aesthetics
  • Demonstrate understanding how to apply knowledge of children’s development in gaining communicative and literary competence
    • Review materials to identify appropriate uses for various age-groups
  • Apply cultural considerations to develop communicative and literacy competence
    • Discuss the impact of culture on the development of literary competence
    • Discuss how to engage in culturally diverse literary experiences

Day 2:

  • Develop strategies to increase communicative abilities for various age-groups that relate to:
    • Increased ability to pay attention to auditory messages
    • Increased ability to communicate verbally
    • Increased ability to use appropriate body language
    • Increased ability to communicate using a range of alternative strategies
  • Develop strategies to enhance literary competence in the ability to
    • Listen to stories
    • Look at books
    • Read independently
    • Use symbolized formats to communicate
  • Demonstrate understanding of appropriate provocations to engage children in communicative and literacy activities based on
    • Children’s interests and background experiences
    • Inclusive practices
  • Develop strategies on how to involve families as partners in the communicative and literacy process including the use of a
    • Variety of formats to engage families
    • Melding the home and school experiences

Trainer’s Profile
Dr. Crowther’s background includes teaching in early childhood, elementary school, university and college programs. She has presented at numerous childcare conferences both nationally and internationally.  She has published articles in a variety of journals and has completed ten textbooks in the early years, and a number of children’s books that include photographs of children in a variety of international settings at play.

Today Dr. Crowther is working in various jurisdictions to help to develop developmentally appropriate learning environments and curricula for children and to facilitate adult learning in early years settings.

Information will be presented through a variety of formats including, case studies, scenarios, slide shows, photographs and short videos. Participants will engage in active participation through:

  • Discussion groups
  • Analysis of scenarios and or case studies
  • Reflective exercises to consolidate learning
  • Focused problem solving based on individual requests and examples

Target Audience
Suitable for individuals working or caring for infants to six-year olds including children with special needs. For literacy development. Also useful for individuals working with second language children.


Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date:  1 Mar 2016

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