Scaffolding Learning through Material Play

When / Where

11 Nov 2020 – 12 Nov 2020
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Australia/Melbourne

As Early Childhood Educators, we know that young children learn through play. How do we create playful learning environments that support children’s self-driven, exploratory play? The materials we choose to offer children for play can hold the secret. This workshop gives those working with young children a look at how open-ended materials (“loose parts”) can transform early childhood environments. Without the mess, and with a focus on deep, creative problem solving, participants will learn steps they can take to source materials; to create invitations to play; and to sustain a child-centered, playful classroom culture. Participants will also learn about communicating the importance of child-driven play to parents and colleagues to advocate for more playful curriculum. This workshop is an opportunity to explore simple, playful ideas hands-on, and shift your mindset to how you might increase child-centered play in your setting.

Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate how children learn through play (constructivism)
  • Talk about play from their own experience and perspective
  • Describe the teacher’s role in children’s play with open-ended materials
  • Communicate facets of playful learning with materials to stakeholders (families, communities, colleagues)
  • Describe the role of materials and objects in play (including sourcing materials), and create invitations to play
  • Document play using a variety of methods

Day 1: Defining Play and Open-Ended Materials

  • Personal connections to play
  • Definitions of play (open-ended and guided) and the facets of playful learning through the lens of constructivism
  • Defining “Open-Ended” in relation to play, materials, and children’s development
  • The role of materials in creative, open-ended play
  • Hands-on play with open-ended materials, explorations

Day 2: Creating Playful Invitations with Materials and the Role of the Adult

  • Creating open-ended play invitations centered around materials
  • The role of the adult
  • Sharing stories of playful learning with stakeholders as advocacy for playful learning
  • Sourcing open-ended materials
  • Reflection

Trainer’s Profile
Allie P., M.S., is an early childhood educator from Washington state, USA.  She holds her B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education from New York University, as well as her M.S. in Early Childhood Education/Child Development from the Erikson Institute in Chicago. She is an experienced early childhood educator, having spent ten years teaching children 0-8 in a variety of educational settings.  Her personal curiosities have brought her to visit learning environments around the world, including forest Kindergartens, children’s museums, and the schools of Reggio Emilia.  She believes that child-directed play is a powerful learning tool, and spends her time writing about early childhood education and working with teachers around the globe on bringing play into the curriculum.


This is an extremely interactive workshop, with hands-on activities for participants to tap into their own playfulness as they deepen their understanding of how materials facilitate learning. Participants will work in pairs and small groups on a variety of activities with open-ended materials. This workshop is designed to support educators in transferring their new and existing
knowledge about play materials into their classroom.

Target Audience
Teachers, early childhood educators, and administrators of children 2-6 years old. In all settings.

Early Bird: AUD750.00/person if register by 1 Aug 20
Individual: AUD790.00/person
Group of 5 or more: AUD690.00/person

Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Sep 20

See also Other Upcoming Workshops

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