Making Learning Visible

When / Where

7 Dec 2016 – 9 Dec 2016
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

The Making Learning Visible project was first developed collaboratively between researchers at Harvard University’s Project Zero and educators of Reggio Emilia. To come to a better understanding of learning, pedagogical documentation is created with the intent to invite children to reflect on their learning, as individuals and in groups, and to provide an avenue for teachers to come to a deeper understanding of teaching and learning.
During the three days workshop, participants will experience many opportunities to explore materials, utilizing an inquiry lens, with the intent to gather artifacts of individual and group learning, create pedagogical documentation and engage in reflective dialogue about the process of making learning visible.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  •  Develop a heightened, critical eye, crucial to the process of observation as it informs pedagogical documentation
  • Consider the potential of everyday objects for exploration and discovery
  • Reflect on the importance of experience first, references to the curriculum second
  • Critique inquiry models
  • Select artifacts, images and insights for documentation
  • Evaluate the process of making learning visible in terms of parental involvement, community building, audience and assessment
  • Explore several formats of making learning visible, including learning stories, digital documentation and Zoom panels
  • Engage in critical dialogue with reference to individual and group learning and the process of making learning visible

Day 1:  The Difference Between Documentation and Display through an Inquiry Lens

  •  Participants have the opportunity to examine more closely popular children’s books and small worlds with the intent to invite a heightened and critical eye, crucial to the process of observation
  • Participants create their first small documentation piece (all documentation is done in learning groups)
  • The potential of everyday objects (loose parts) and experiences for exploration and discovery is explored with reference to Early Learning curriculum Frameworks and the challenge to invite experience first and reference to a curriculum support second
  • Inquiry models are suggested to participants and they later inform the consideration of documentation panels and an Early Learning curriculum focus within the cognitive and social realm

Day 2: Learning Stories, Aesthetics and Engaging Families

  • Participants engage in a group learning opportunity (building and balance) while simultaneously documenting their experience
  • Participants consider and create learning stories
  • The artistic eye, graphic design elements, the “hundred languages of children” and pedagogy is explored by participants through the use of art media
  • Participants utilize the artifacts, images and recorded dialogue generated through this process to develop and discuss the process of a “Zooming In, Zooming Out” format

Day 3:   Digital Documentation,   Portfolios and MLV Pedagogy

  • Participants engage in group learning (aerodynamics) to explore the ideas of learning in community and developing collective knowledge
  • Several forms of digital documentation are considered and critiqued by participants
  • Participants will examine the assessment of metacognition through ePortfolios
  • Having engaged in the process of Making Learning Visible, participants engage in a reflective dialogue on the power of pedagogical documentation and learning

Trainer’s Profile
Louise J. is a professor in the Bachelor of Child development degree program at Seneca College. Louise has a Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning with a research focus on teacher reflection and educational technologies and a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education. Louise has been inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to education for young children and was privileged to travel to Reggio Emilia on a study tour where this inspiration grew. In addition to her teaching, Louise has facilitated workshops and conferences with early childhood practitioners and elementary school teachers. Most recently, she has focused on professional learning centred on pedagogical documentation, emergent curriculum, Forest Schools, professional learning through social media, making learning visible and Reggio inspired practice.

The workshops are composed of opportunities for experiential and collaborative hands-on learning opportunities. Participants will have the opportunity to be fully engaged, interact with colleagues, reflect on, and document their learning in an environment that is supportive and meets an educator’s need to gain practical knowledge that can be applied to teaching practices.

Target Audience
Teachers, early childhood educators and administrators of children aged 2 to 8 years.

HKD6500.00/pax if register by 1 Jun 16

Other Details
Duration: 3 days, 18 hours
Closing Date: 1 Sep 16 15 Nov 16

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