Alive with Music & Movement

When / Where

15 Oct 2005
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Asia/Singapore


Children love to move, run wriggle & jump. They also love to sing & make sound. Providing musical opportunities is vital to early childhood learning. Using their bodies for emotional expression, singing and moving in a variety of ways can aid in children’s’ optimum learning, their confidence and later fitness. Combining a global mix of music and movement with approaches to wellbeing from a range of traditions, this workshop will assist teachers and carers to actively encourage children to immerse themselves in the joy of sound and movement.

The workshop aims to give a clear understanding and practical experience of :

  • The latest brain research on music and young children’s learning
  • Why music can enhance young children’s’ learning and later confidence
  • Developmental sequence of movement patterns that humans achieve in the first year of life.
  • Fun ways to encourage sound expression and singing in young children
  • Using developmentally appropriate and engaging songs, rhymes and dances from around the world to encourage a wide experience of movement and sound with children


  • Intrinsic human music perception
  • Brain research and music – how music enhances learning
  • Music and rhyming – brilliant neurological exercises
  • Movement and brain development – ‘braindance”
  • Songs and dances from around the world that support these ideas
  • Encouraging sound expression and singing confidence in young children
  • Building musical intelligence
  • Emotion and music
  • Using all senses to explore music
  • Improvising to create music and dance

Trainer’s Profile
Carol C. is a teacher and social worker with a Masters in Early Childhood Studies from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Carol has extensive experience in dance (folk, classical and jazz) and yoga. She specializes in educational early childhood performances as well as in-service music and movement training for early childhood teachers and carers in Sydney and throughout Australia. Carol, together with Gary, has produced a wide range of music and movement resources for teachers of young children. Carol’s passion is combining the many learning possibilities that music and movement offer young children, with a love of world music and dance.

Lot’s of movements. Participants are advised to wear pants/jeans

Target Audience
Teachers of children aged 0 to 8 years

Duration: 1 day, 7 hours

Closing Date 30 Sep 05

Other Available Sessions
  • Exciting workshops coming soon under this category.