Playful Literacy: Supporting Literacy Development for 3 to 8 Year Olds

When / Where

1 Dec 2016 – 2 Dec 2016
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

In this workshop , we will explore literacy in its natural habitat:  a child’s playful discovery of the world.  Teachers will think about the role of the environment and materials, the trajectory of literacy development, and reading and writing in a changing educational landscape.  This workshop will be a combination of presentation and hands-­on activities, along with discussion and reflection.

Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Think about the classroom environment as a place that is naturally embedded with opportunities for children to learn about reading and writing, as well as how to enhance the classroom environment.
  • Understand why reading and writing is more than just decoding and creating text
  • Understand the components of phonemic awareness, as well as the implications it has for children at different stages of reading and writing development.
  • Think about how literacy instruction looks in their own classroom, how literacy is enhanced by classroom, school, and community.
  • Translate traditional concepts and lessons into playful, engaging exploration of language for individual instruction, small group, whole group, and more.

Day 1:

  • What is literacy, and what does it look like in the classroom, community, and world?
  • Linking Literacy with physical and cognitive development
  • Our classrooms:  A closer look at everyday literacy opportunities ­ and enhancing them
  • Writing: How it develops from 3 to ­8, and how we can playfully support it
  • Updating traditional writing lessons for more playful, engaging experiences

Day 2:

  • Phonemic Awareness:  The building blocks of reading
  • Following children’s natural interest in reading ­ and supporting them
  • The NEW reader’s workshop: Playing with reading
  • A close look at picture books in the literacy curriculum
  • Reflection:  Putting it all together, and getting ready to take it back to our classrooms.

Trainer’s Profile
Allie P., M.S., is an early childhood educator from Washington state, USA.  She holds her B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education from New York University, as well as her M.S. in Early Childhood Education/Child Development from the Erikson Institute in Chicago. Allie has been teaching preschool in a variety of educational contexts for over ten years.  Her work has included a children’s museum, Head Start classrooms, parent cooperative preschools, a large international school, and more.  In addition to being a classroom teacher, she founded Play Lab, a project dedicated to promoting open­-ended, exploratory play in community spaces. She has visited schools around North America and the world, learning about how community and culture are reflected in curriculum.  In addition to teaching three­ and four­ year ­olds, she also spends time reading and writing on her blog, Bakers and Astronauts.

This workshop is an interactive, hands-­on laboratory for learning about literacy. Participants will learn new information and have many opportunities to break down ideas, work with other participants, comment and question, and reflect on experiences.  Participants will also create lessons and activities to bring back to the classroom, supporting literacy development.

Target Audience
Teachers and Administrators of children from 3 to ­8 years old.

HKD5500.00/pax if register by 1 Jun 16

Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Sep 16 15 Nov 16

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