Play, Language and Literacy: Supporting Early Reading and Writing

When / Where

7 Sep 2004 – 8 Sep 2004
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Asia/Singapore

This workshop focuses on six aspects of early literacy: language development, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, print awareness and concepts, book knowledge and appreciation, and early writing.

This workshop will help participants understand the importance of and plan activities for children to:

  • facilitate children’s receptive and expressive language
  • promote phonological awareness including children’s awareness of sound, rhyming, alliteration, syllabication
  • support alphabet knowledge using children’s own names and familiar words
  • encourage print awareness in the early childhood setting foster children’s love of books
  • understand the developmental sequence of early writing


  • The relationship between language and literacy in the preschool/early childhood setting
    • using conversation to promote language
    • what do children like to talk about?
    • increasing vocabulary through field trips and new experiences
  • Promoting phonological awareness
    • how is phonological awareness different from phonics and how does it support early reading?
    • listening to and describing sounds
    • rhymes and games that promote sound matching
  • Supporting alphabet knowledge
    • the relationship between letter knowledge and early reading
    • early letter recognition
    • developing alphabet books for children
  • Encourage print awareness in the early childhood setting
    • how does print awareness support literacy development?
    • including print in all of the learning centers in the classroom
  •  Reading with and to children
    • what is the optimal size group to read to for supporting development?
    • what types of books are needed in the classroom library?
    • extending book reading with activities
  • Early Writing
    • what is the developmental sequence of early writing?
    • what supplies in the writing area promote early writing?
    • recognizing, encouraging and supporting early writing

Trainer’s Profile
Dr. Melissa W. is Chair of the Child Development program at Snead State Community College in north Alabama. She is developing an on-line AA program in child development at the college. For the last 25 years she has been a teacher, early childhood trainer, director, teacher supervisor to Head Start and child development programs in the United States and around the world for the United States military. Her research has taken her to Native American child care programs around the United States where she was fortunate to hear many gifted story tellers. She was the early literacy mentor to Head Start programs in Alabama and Georgia and is currently writing a book on what brain research tells us about loving and educating preschool children.

The program includes lectures, audiovisual presentations, interesting group projects, fun demonstrations and exciting activities. Laughter, communication, sharing is encouraged.

Target Audience
Preschool teachers, special educators and administrators.

Duration: 2 days, 14 hours

Venue: 51 Cuppage Road #03-00 StarHub Centre Singapore 229469

Closing Date:

Other Available Sessions