Using Play as a Vehicle to Promote Literacy in the Early Years Classroom

Using Play as a Vehicle to Promote Literacy in the Early Years Classroom


15 Oct 2025 - 17 Oct 2025
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Singapore, (exact venue to be advised)

Event Tag

This workshop invites participation from individuals with interest in promoting literacy in young children. Participants will examine the role of play, open-ended materials and the natural physical learning environment in children’s literacy development, reading and writing, especially how our learning is still deeply rooted in hands-on explorations even in the technological age.  This interactive workshop combines hands-on play, presentation, small and whole group discussion, and reflection. Throughout this workshop we will consider work with dual language and second language learners.

The workshop is a three-part series designed to increase participants’ knowledge, skill and confidence in using play as a vehicle to promote literacy in the early year’s classroom.

Participants will be able to:

  • What is Play and emergent literacy in the early year?
  • Understand the importance of child-led play exploration in literacy development
  • Ways to use a literacy rich environment to embed more natural experiences for children’s literacy development and use that knowledge in planning the learning environment and experiences.
  • Enhance their classroom/learning environment to embed more natural experiences for children’s literacy development
  • Restructuring small groups and whole class reading and writing prompts into playful, engaging, exploratory experiences for students.
  • Reimagine storytelling as a vehicle for literacy explorations and personal connections
  • Understand the cycle of observation, reflection, and planning to support individual children.

Day 1: Play and the foundations of literacy development

  • Literacy Development Review, Birth to age 8: nature and nurture
  • Play and Literacy is an overview of how play can support literacy development
  • Balanced approach to literacy?
  • What is the learning/instruction cycle for literacy?
  • What is scaffolding and what does it mean for our work with children?
  • What is the difference between playful and play-filled learning and what does this mean for the role of the adult?
  • How do we show emotional support for play and literacy?
  • How does the environment affect play and literacy?
  • Planning the playful literacy environment
  • What is the adult’s role during play to support literacy development?
  • Selecting and using high-quality children’s literature throughout the curriculum
  • Documentation: showing stakeholders HOW children develop literacy through playful experiences
  • Reflection

Day 2: Essentials Oral Language Development

  • How does oral language develop and why is oral language a crucial element in literacy?
  • What are the seven uses of language we need to model and help children practice?
  • What are the things in the environment that we can directly influence to increase children’s oral language abilities?
  • What are some powerful strategies we can use on a daily basis to increase children’s oral language abilities?
  • How is phonological awareness related to oral language?
  • What can we do to increase children’s phonological awareness?
  • How does phonological awareness develop?
  • How can we assess oral language & phonological awareness?
  • Reflection

Day 3: Symbol systems, Mark Making, and Writing

  • Why is print awareness important?
  • Exploration of play materials for mark making
  • What are some key things I can do to support the development of print awareness?
  • What are the concepts about print on which I should focus?
  • What are the stages children go through in learning about how print works in books?
  • Symbolic representation and communication: bridging the cognitive and fine motor
  • Scaffolding children’s writing development?
  • Modeling, mediating and providing real opportunities for children to practice?
  • Encouraging children’s personal stories (play stories and journals)
  • The role of the adult in supporting children’s literacy development
  • Reflection

Trainer’s Profile
Dr. Ezeh is an educational consultant and instructional coach who strives to help teachers and leaders transform their classrooms with student-centered learning and social-emotional support. She aims to help “community” teachers make education more relationship based and human. Dr. Ezeh served as Professor of Education and Director of the Early Childhood Education program at Aquinas College and Director of Early Childhood Education for 27 years. She holds Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and Doctor of Education in Child & Youth Studies with specialization in Curriculum Development and Systemic Change, and has taught semester long course and workshops on the Reggio Emilia Approach for years. Her passion is teaching, learning, and growing alongside other educational professionals who also believe that education is the key transforming the world. Ezeh devotes her time and attention helping teachers and schools make learning and the teaching process visible; developing and coaching emerging leaders; advocating for women and young girls, and taking a two generation approach to early childhood education to vulnerable communities. Dr. Ezeh published her memoir – Nwaenyi: Child of an Elephant: Lessons Learned from My Father, a Nigerian Chief, About Child Development and Affirmations to make child development principles visible to parents.

This workshop will offer varieties of opportunities for experiential and collaborative learning. Participants will have the opportunity and are expected to be active participants in the discussion, both within the small and large group formats; reflecting on their own journey and learning in a supportive environment that allow them to gain practical knowledge that can be applied to teaching practices.

Target Audience
Teachers, early childhood educators, curriculum coordinator, parent educator and administrators of children aged 2 to 8 years.

1 person: SGD1300.00/person
2 to 4 person: SGD1200.00/person
5 person & more: SGD990.00/person

Singapore (exact location to be advised)
Information on Entering Singapore Requirements

Other Details
Duration: 3 days, 18 hours
Closing Date: 1 Aug 2025

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