The Project Approach (Advanced)

When / Where

5 Sep 2005 – 6 Sep 2005
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Asia/Singapore

This workshop is designed for teachers who have completed an introductory course or workshop and have some experience implementing project approach strategies with children in their classrooms.

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • review their current understanding and experience with the Project Approach
  • learn new teaching strategies to extend their experience
  • plan further more extended in-depth project work with children
  • gain an understanding of the language, research, and learning theory that underpins planning for projects
  • leave with assessment tools developed to evaluate the projects


  • Implementation of the project approach
  • Review of samples of children’s work from participants’ classrooms
  • Challenges in light of theoretical perspectives
  • Strategies to apply to experienced dilemmas
  • Developing long-term plans for future projects
  • Topics and planning webs
  • Learning objectives and short term plans
  • Classroom organization and management
  • Theory: multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, creativity, and brain research

Trainer’s Profile
Dr. Sylvia C. Chard is Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Alberta, Canada, since 1989.  She is Director of the Child Study Center, a lab school for children aged 3 years to Grade 5. She has taught at various levels in schools from preschool through high school in England.

She completed an M.Ed. and Ph.D. at the University of Illinois.  She was for nine years Head of the Department of Early Childhood Education at the College of St Paul and St Mary in Cheltenham, England.

She is co-author with Lilian G. Katz of the book, Engaging Children’s Minds: The Project Approach (Ablex, 1989).  Dr. Chard has written two Practical Guides for Teachers on project work published by Scholastic (1998) The Project Approach: Making Curriculum Come Alive and The Project Approach: Managing Successful Projects and a CD-Rom entitled: The Project Approach: Taking a Closer Look.

Her research interests include teachers’ professional development and curriculum change in elementary schools.  Dr. Chard has taught courses and lectured on interdisciplinary learning in many different parts of the world.

She co-owns a Listserv discussion group  (PROJECTS-L) and continues to develop an internet website from which she teaches courses on the Project Approach.

The program includes lectures, audiovisual presentations, group discussions, and practical fieldwork, providing a complete simulation of project work, as well as other classroom activities.

Target Audience
Participants should have:

  • taken the first workshop (Engaging Children’s Hearts & Minds: The Project Approach) either with Lilian Katz or Sylvia Chard.
  • done some project work in their own classrooms and be prepared to examine their practice.
  • brought to the workshop documentation of projects carried out in their own classroom (one tri-fold display board).


Duration: 2 days, 14 hours

Venue: 51 Cuppage Road, #03-00 StarHub Centre Singapore 229469

Closing Date: 13 Aug 05

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