Introduction to Reggio Inspired Practice

When / Where

22 Oct 2016 – 23 Oct 2016
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

The Introduction to Reggio Inspired Practice workshop aims to provide a starting point, unique to each learner, in the journey of coming to a better understanding of ways that we might articulate the ideas and strategies we have observed, read, or researched about the schools and philosophy of Reggio Emilia. Mastery of Reggio inspired pedagogy is a pursuit that lasts for our entire teaching career. Regardless of where we see ourselves on the path to enriching or reflecting on our work with young children, or those who teach them, this intensive two day workshop will provide invaluable resources and support to lead participants on a journey of Reggio inspired dialogue, experiential investigation, research fuelled by critical reflections on the documented work of children and supportive collegial critique of documentation developed during the workshop.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze and evaluate principles of Reggio inspired practice
  • Reflect on one’s own pedagogy and teaching practice as it is informed by a Reggio inspired theory and philosophy
  • Create and interpret pedagogical documentation utilizing the principles of making learning visible
  • Explore, experiment and develop hypothesizes of learning through a synthesis of the process and philosophy of Messing About
  • Actively engage with a community of learners through collaboration, active investigations, critical reflection and dialogue

Day 1:  Light, aesthetics and one hundred languages

  • Learners are invited to introduce themselves and briefly share their experience with Reggio inspired practice
  • Learners are taken on a “visual tour” of children’s explorations and investigations with nature and light
  • Learners dialogue, reflect and create metaphorical representations of the values and principles of the Reggio Emilia Approach
  • Learners are introduced to documentation: making learning visible through learning stories
  • Learners engage in the “hundred languages” of representation by investigating light and creating compositional representations, while documenting their experience
  • Learners share their insights, reflections and questions that are documented for revisiting on Day 2.

Day 2: Messing about, co-construction and dialogue

  • Learners are invited to begin a reflective dialogue with a group of colleagues and share their reflections with the larger group, utilizing Day 1 learning artifacts
  • Facilitator shares reflections and documentation of Day 1 with learners
  • Learners plan, draw and document the process of the construction of a marble run.
  • Learners start construction and documentation of their marble runs and are given challenges that elicit dialogue and co-construction of ideas
  • Learner groups share their reflections of the Reggio Inspired principle: learning as a process of individual and group construction
  • Facilitator shares the principles of Making Learning Visible and possibilities for various forms of pedagogical documentation

Trainer’s Profile
Louise J. is a professor in the Bachelor of Child development degree program at Seneca College. Louise has a Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning with a research focus on teacher reflection and educational technologies and a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education. Louise has been inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to education for young children and was privileged to travel to Reggio Emilia on a study tour where this inspiration grew. In addition to her teaching, Louise has facilitated workshops and conferences with early childhood practitioners and elementary school teachers. Most recently, she has focused on professional learning centred on pedagogical documentation, emergent curriculum, Forest Schools, professional learning through social media, making learning visible and Reggio inspired practice.

This workshop is composed of opportunities for experiential and collaborative hands-on learning opportunities. Participants will have the opportunity to be fully engaged, interact with colleagues, reflect on, and document their learning in an environment that is supportive and meets an educator’s need to gain practical knowledge that can be applied to teaching practices.

Target Audience
Teachers, early childhood educators and administrators of children aged 0 to 8 years.

AUD650.00/pax if register by 1 May 15
Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Aug 16 30 Sep 16

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