Do you notice disrespectful, unself-responsible behaviors in students at your school? Are you hearing an increase in put-downs, sarcastic remarks, and rude suggestions? Have you seen students acting, talking, and thinking like victims, without taking responsibility for their own behavior? If so, then this seminar is for you!
Respect and Responsibility don’t just happen. Not by luck, magic, or because you put a few character education posters in the hall and held an assembly to pass out awards to students of the month. Respect and Responsibility only occur in classrooms where the professional educators set out to create them with intentionality, skills and a positive attitude.
Participants will learn to create a classroom atmosphere that models and invites Respect and Responsibility. Included are techniques for defining, teaching and debriefing respect issues so that students internalize the concepts. Skills to encourage self-responsibility and respond effectively to counter-productive behaviors are also included to help teachers react confidently.
This workshop is skill-based, practical, and can be put to use immediately to get students choosing responsible, respectful behaviors.
Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participants will be able to:
- Utilize Highly Effective Intervention Strategies to Encourage Respect and Responsibility
- Practical ways to intervene with students to encourage respect and responsibility.
- Eliminate Negative Behaviors and Increase Positive Behaviors.
- Fill your professional toolbox with new and effective techniques for replacing negative behaviors with emotionally healthy, respectful ones.
- Develop a Culture of Respect and Responsibility in Your Classroom.
- Learn how to structure your classroom environment to promote self-responsibility and mutual respect.
- Dozens of Ideas to Increase Respectful and Responsible Behaviors in Your Classroom.
- Discover practical, classroom-tested ideas that promote behaviors that require students to take responsibility for their own actions and choices … How to increase respectful behaviors between students and you and between students.
- Hold Disrespectful and Irresponsible Students Accountable in Healthy Ways.
- Successful techniques for holding students accountable for their choices without discouraging them or wounding their spirit.
- Gain Important Verbal Skills for Dealing with Disrespectful Students.
- Learn how to structure your language patterns and verbal responses to deal quickly and effectively to incidents of disrespect.
- How to Prevent Disrespect.
- Learn preventive strategies that significantly lower the probability that students will act in a disrespectful way towards you and others.
- Gain New and Valuable Teaching Tools to Generate More Respectful Behaviors.
- Expand your repertoire of effective strategies for helping students learn and use respectful and responsible behaviors.
- Learn Practical Techniques to Help Students Become Conscious of Their Behaviors and How Their Behaviors are Affecting Others.
- Learn ways to help students self-examine their behaviors and learn from them.
- Interact with other professional educators sharing concerns, ideas, and useful strategies.
- This seminar provides a wonderful opportunity for participants to meet and share ideas with other educators interested in practical strategies to enhance their programs.
- Learn Teacher-friendly ideas for coping with student disrespect in respectful, helpful ways.
- Know what to say and what not to say when students are disrespectful.
- Discover the key to helping students apply classroom respect and responsibility to other areas of their lives.
- Learn why debriefing is the glue that holds it all together.
Day 1:
- The 100% Factor.
- Respect Definition.
- Responsible Behaviors.
- Structuring the Classroom for Respect and Responsibility.
- Communicating Expectations.
- Modeling the Message.
- The 4-D Model.
- Major Decision.
- The T-Chart.
- T-Chart Practice.
- Direct Teaching Samples.
- Direct teaching Practice.
- Self-Evaluation and Self-Examination Strategies.
Day 2
- The Responsibility Notebook.
- The Power of One.
- Moving to Consequences.
- Curriculum/Stories Teaching Method.
- The Missing Link.
- How to Use The Missing Link.
- Mind Skills for Delivering Consequences.
- The Dynamic Discipline Equation.
- The Key to Holding Students Accountable.
- Putting it All Together.
- The Responsibility Room.
- The Responsibility Plan.
- Walk and Think.
- Teacher Talk That Escalates.
- Helpful Verbal Responses to Disrespect.
- Mind Skills.
- Making a BE Choice.
- Creation of an Implementation Plan.
- Sharing Plan.
- Course Evaluation.
Trainer’s Profile
Chick M. is a veteran educator who has invested more than 50 years working with children, parents, teachers, and care-givers. More than 300,000 participants have attended his seminars. While writing and lecturing, he offers skill training to help parents and teachers create responsible, caring, confident young people. His seminars provide practical strategies that can be put to use immediately. Chick’s motivational stories and humor help participants connect with the content and adapt it for their own use.
Chick is the founder and director of The Institute for Personal Power. A consulting firm designed to deliver high quality programs to parents and teachers. He is the author of Spirit Whisperers: Teachers Who Nourish a Child’s Spirit and Parent Talk: How to Talk to Your Children in Words That Build Self-Esteem and Encourage Responsibility and The Teacher Talk Advantage: Five Voices of Effective Teaching. His latest book The Abracadabra Effect: The 13 Verbally Transmitted Diseases and How to Cure Them is co-authored with Thomas Haller.
This workshop will include lecture bursts, group work, individualized planning and reflecting, and discussion. Audio visual, experiential and paper and pencil activities will be included. Participants will be invited to think and adopt and adapt ideas presented to their own unique situations.
Target Audience
This workshop is designed for all teachers, administrators, counselors, coaches, and other adults who work in a school setting with students from kindergarten to high school (Ages 5-18).
AUD5500.00/pax if register by 1 Jun 16
Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Sep 16
Other Available Sessions
- Skillful Conversations: Building Awareness and Connection in Schools – 22 May 2025 – 23 May 2025 – 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Online