Restorative Discipline: Help Your Students Improve Their Behavior and Strengthen Their Learning

When / Where

5 Dec 2016 – 6 Dec 2016
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

Are you tired of being a police person: creating rules, noticing offenders, establishing guilt, and handing out punishments? Are you fed up with a discipline system the puts names on the board, suspends offenders and ignores the rights of the victims? Are you unhappy with a discipline style that focuses on student obedience rather than having them develop an internal system based on ethics and justice? Is so, you are probably ready to seriously examine and implement a restorative approach to discipline.

Have you noticed that students who return from In-School Suspension (ISS) change their behavior for only a short amount of time before returning to similar attitudes and actions? Have you seen how bribing students with a Friday popcorn party works to manipulate behavior briefly and does nothing to create an internal standard of behavior that will be activated later when an adult is not present? Have you observed a missing link in you discipline strategies, one that requires offenders to repair any harm they have caused, work toward a positive outcome, express remorse and make amends? Is so, you are probably ready to seriously examine and implement a restorative approach to discipline.

This workshop teaches preventive measures that are designed to build skills and attitudes in students while producing healthy and productive relationships among students and staff. You will learn a system of restorative practices that repair damaged relationships through reflective conversations that give students an opportunity to become aware of the harm they have caused and develop plans to make amends.

Punishments do not teach. Restorative discipline does. Here you will learn how and why.

Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Learn proven classroom management strategies for building a productive learning environment involving quality relationships, effective interpersonal skills and high-quality instruction.
  • Receive dozens of ideas to move dramatically away from a punishment based discipline system to one built on restorative skills that build a positive school climate.
  • Gain skill in using practical methods for reducing students’ problematic behavior while increasing their desire to act self-responsibly and respectfully.
  • Learn innovative techniques that help students develop more effective skills for dealing with difficult situations.
  • Gain tools to understand and respond effectively to problematic behavior.
  • Learn proven methods for promoting empathy in students that allow them to become conscious of the effect their behaviors and attitudes are having on others.
  • Utilize outstanding teaching strategies that help teachers implement. Necessary corrective discipline without resorting to consequences that are unrelated, unreasonable or disrespectful.
  • Implement preventive strategies that reduce the rates of suspension and expulsion.
  • Learn why rewards and punishment don’t work and what to do instead.
  • Discover how to intentionally invite students with techniques that build trust, a belief in self and an optimistic outlook on school and life.
  • Avoid escalation of power struggles using alternatives to increased force and control.
  • Come away with dozens of ideas to promote a safe classroom climate: physically, emotionally and psychologically.
  • Learn constructive alternatives to suspension and detention that focus on teaching and learning rather than on punishment.
  • Learn how to create a restorative mindset that focuses on keeping, making and building peace by shifting the focus from rules to relationship and switch the emphasis from getting even to getting well.
  • Ensure that reentry occurs in a welcoming atmosphere by using specific steps for planning, rehearsal, debriefing, regular check-ins and more.

Day 1:

  • Discipline definition.
  • The Accountability Continuum.
  • What works and what doesn’t work.
  • Classroom management and discipline.
  • Building blocks of positive discipline.
  • Prevention rationales.
  • Building connectedness.
  • Rules and procedures.
  • Responsible Action Statements.
  • Teaching procedures.
  • De-Escalation strategies.
  • The De-Escalation stance.
  • Language that escalates.
  • Managing your mind.
  • Peace-Building.

Day 2

  • Student mindset.
  • Creating the “Our Classroom” Feeling.
  • Impromptu conferences.
  • The Peace Table.
  • Identity Building Language.
  • Importance of accountability.
  • The Cause and Effect Connectors.
  • The 3 R’s of effective consequences.
  • The Four-Step Discipline Language.
  • Suspensions: when and how.
  • Restoration options.
  • Questions for the victim.
  • Questions for the offender.
  • Restorative planning forms.
  • Responsibility plan.
  • Goals of re-entry.
  • Welcoming plan for re-entry.
  • Implementation planning.
  • Course evaluation.

Trainer’s Profile
Chick M. is a veteran educator who has invested more than 50 years working with children, parents, teachers, and care-givers. More than 300,000 participants have attended his seminars. While writing and lecturing, he offers skill training to help parents and teachers create responsible, caring, confident young people. His seminars provide practical strategies that can be put to use immediately.  Chick’s motivational stories and humor help participants connect with the content and adapt it for their own use.

Chick is the founder and director of The Institute for Personal Power. A consulting firm designed to deliver high quality programs to parents and teachers. He is the author of Spirit Whisperers: Teachers Who Nourish a Child’s Spirit and Parent Talk: How to Talk to Your Children in Words That Build Self-Esteem and Encourage Responsibility and The Teacher Talk Advantage: Five Voices of Effective Teaching. His latest book The Abracadabra Effect: The 13 Verbally Transmitted Diseases and How to Cure Them is co-authored with Thomas Haller.

This workshop will include lecture bursts, group work, individualized planning and reflecting, and discussion. Audio visual, experiential and paper and pencil activities will be included. Participants will be invited to think and adopt and adapt ideas presented to their own unique situations.

Target Audience
This workshop is designed for all teachers, administrators, counselors, coaches, and other adults who work in a school setting with students from kindergarten to high school (Ages 5-18).

AUD5500.00/pax if register by 1 Aug 16

Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Oct 16

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