Rhythm, Rhyme & Beat: Using Orff Schulwerk with Young Children

When / Where

17 Jul 2008
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Asia/Singapore


Carl Orff’s fun based educational approach to music and movement education is called “Orff Schulwerk”, literally meaning: schooling in music by being active and creative. In the Orff approach children are able to sing, say, dance and play in a safe and expressive environment, developing their skills of listening, coordination, vocal expression and social interaction.

Orff Schulwerk develops the innate musicality in each child. The strength of the approach is that it is inclusive developmentally and culturally. Children internalise beat, rhythm and melody through speech patterns, singing and moving (kinesthetic awareness). Through this foundation they are building skills to organise and create musical sounds and to play musical instruments.

The workshop aims to give a clear understanding and practical experience of :

  • the educational value of Orff Schulwerk
  • how the approach can be useful in the classroom so we educate the whole child: body, mind and spirit
  • how we support children to “sing, say, move and play” in musical activities
  • a range of songs, dances and games from varied cultures that are taught through the Orff approach


  • Body percussion activities to internalise beat
  • Rhymes to learn about rhythm and phrasing
  • Songs to aid melody and pitch development
  • Structured and unstructured dancing, folk dance for kinesthetic awareness
  • Simple percussion activities on untuned percussion instruments
  • The emphasis will be on fun & play and creative ways to involve children in active music making


Trainer’s Profile
Carol C. is a teacher and social worker with a Masters in Early Childhood Studies from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Carol has extensive experience in dance (folk, classical and jazz) and yoga. She specializes in educational early childhood performances as well as in-service music and movement training for early childhood teachers and carers in Sydney and throughout Australia. Carol, together with Gary, has produced a wide range of music and movement resources for teachers of young children. Carol’s passion is combining the many learning possibilities that music and movement offer young children, with a love of world music and dance.

Lot’s of movements. Participants are advised to wear pants/jeans

Target Audience
Teachers of children aged 3 to 8 years

Duration: 1 day, 7 hours
Closing Date 1 Jun 08

Other Available Sessions
  • Exciting workshops coming soon under this category.