Self-Regulation in the Early Years: A new way of thinking

When / Where

25 Jul 2019 – 26 Jul 2019
9:00 am – 4:00 pm Asia/Singapore

Shanker Self-Reg® is a powerful method for understanding stress and managing tension and energy flow in order to support mindful self-regulation.” The self-reg lens invites a mindset that sees “misbehaviour” as a manifestation of a stress response. Self-reg helps us to identify hidden and overt stressors in ourselves, others and in the children. It also gives us tools to reframe stress, reduce it, reflect on the stress response. Finally, it will enable us to find a sense of well-being through restoration and the development of resilience.


At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • read and reframe stress-behaviour in self and with children
  • identify personal stressors and signs of stress behaviour in children
  • utilize techniques to reduce, remove or lower stress in learning environments
  • apply all 5 steps of the Shanker Method of Self-Reg
  • explore strategies to reduce stress for individual learners and for the whole group
  • build a personally unique “toolbox” of strategies to support restoration and resilience


Day 1:  Expanding our understanding of the impact of stress on ourselves and on child behaviour

  • connection before learning
  • well-being, safety and security
  • expanding our understanding of stress
  • energy-tension matrix
  • breaking the stress cycle
  • mindsight and mindfulness

Day 2: Reframing: the perceptual, experiential and creative lens of self-reg

  • self-control and self-regulation
  • misbehaviour and stress behaviour
  • oppositional defiance and fight or flight
  • compliance and freeze
  • not listening and not processing
  • lack of effort and limbic breaking

Trainer’s Profile

Louise J. is a professor in the Bachelor of Child development degree program and the Early Childhood Education diploma program at Seneca College. She is in the Faculty Research Lead and Pedagogist for the Forest and Nature School program at Seneca KOLTS lab school. Louise has a Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning and a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education. Louise is a Certified Self-Reg Learning Facilitator and a Forest and Nature School Practitioner. She facilitates learning in the wider community and abroad focussed on pedagogical documentation, emergent curriculum, Forest Schools and Nature Play. She does professional learning through social media, making learning visible, self-regulation and Reggio-Inspired Practice.


This workshop is composed of opportunities for experiential and collaborative hands-on learning opportunities. Participants will have the opportunity to be fully engaged, interact with colleagues and reflect. They will document their learning in a supportive environment to meet an educator’s need to gain practical knowledge that can be applied to teaching practices.

Target Audience

Teachers, early childhood educators and administrators of children aged 0 to 8 years.


SGD690.00/pax if register by 1 Mar19
Other Details

Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 May 19 23 Jun 19

Other Available Sessions