Play as a Vehicle for Learning


15 Aug 2016 - 16 Aug 2016
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Singapore, (exact venue to be advised)

Event Tag

Play is the vehicle for learning with a long history of support from such great thinkers as Plato, Pestalozzi, Comenius, Froebel, Piaget, Vygotsky, Hawkins and others. The focus of this interactive workshop is to enhance understanding about the vital importance of play as a mode of learning for children especially in the digital age where children’s play is being limited by screen time and academic demands. Through play, children gain life-long skills that support their development and learning. Adults, too need to play in order to support children’s play and this workshop will give the participants a chance to mess about with materials in playful ways. Participants will learn about the theory of loose parts and how these materials can support play, learning and development. Through discussions, hands-on and reflective experiences participants will gain a deeper understanding of the underpinnings of play – historical influences, theories, and the connection to development including brain, cognitive, social and language development. Participants will learn how to plan and implement a learning environment that supports play as a vehicle for learning. Research supports the incorporation of play into learning but play also has important health benefits. Playing indoors and playing outdoors will be featured in this workshop with particular attention played to risky play.

Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Explore the theoretical and historical supports for play as a vehicle for learning by reviewing and reflecting on images and video
  • Discuss and reflect on the adult’s role in supporting and facilitating children’s play through the use of case studies and scenerios
  • Reflect on the types and stages of children’s play by reflecting on images of children engaged in play
  • Develop plans to incorporate play in children’s learning environments through a hands on group exercise
  • Increase awareness of resources, research and opportunities to share and collaborate through the use of new technologies and social media focusing on documentation
  • Explore the connection between children’s play and their health, development and learning through discussion and reflection

Day 1:

  • Ice Breaker
  • Introduction to children’s play
  • History and theory
  • Types and stages of play
  • Connections between play, learning and development – group exercise utilizing mind mapping and sketch noting
  • Discuss and reflect on children’s toys in comparison to loose parts for play
  • Discuss and reflect on risky play, superhero, gunplay and outdoor/indoor play
  • Observing digital images/videos of children’s play to assess learning and development
  • One-Minute Review of the Day

Day 2:

  • Ice Breaker
  • Practicing play as adults – playing with materials and documenting play
  • Discuss and reflect on the role of adult’s in supporting children’s play through case studies and scenerios
  • Practice planning for optimal play experiences – both indoors and outdoors – group exercise co-constructing plans for programming for intentional play
  • Explore resources to support professional learning about play – through the use of social media
  • Practice documenting play experiences – creating concrete examples of pedagogical documentation
  • One-Minute Review of the Day

Trainer’s Profile
Dr  Diane Kashin is a professor at Ryerson University in Ontario, Canada. Diane’s background is in early childhood education. Diane has offered multiple professional learning experiences, has provided on-site consultation to schools and programs and is an experienced adult educator. In 2009, Diane’s doctoral dissertation on Reggio-inspired curriculum was published. Diane has also published two academic, peer-reviewed articles and two early childhood education textbooks with co-author Beverlie Dietze. Diane is committed to the use of social media as a tool of professional learning.

This two-day workshop   comprising of many opportunities for experiential and collaborative hands-on learning opportunities is built upon the principles of constructivist theory. Participants will have the opportunity to be fully engaged, interact with colleagues, reflect on, and document their learning in an environment that is supportive of multiple ways of knowing helping educators build their professional knowledge base about practice and theory.

Target Audience
The target audience is teachers, early childhood educators, and administrators, working with learners of any age.

SGD650.00/pax if register by 1 Apr 16

Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Jun 16

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