Features effective ways of talking to students that enhance self-esteem, stimulate learning, and encourage autonomy. Increases a teacher’s ability to deal with typical daily situations and problems faced by all teachers while communicating and expecting respect. Includes the 10 best/10 worst things you can say to your students. It is designed to help educators become skilled at defusing and handling anger, using effective praise, communicating expectations, and holding students accountable without wounding their spirit. Contains verbal skills that greatly reduce inappropriate behaviors, encourage difficult-to-handle students, and teach self-responsibility. This seminar equips professional educators with the skills necessary to return to the classroom with an important and positive advantage when working with their students, The Verbal Skill Advantage.
Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participants will be able to:
- To help teachers learn a style of speaking that uplifts, empowers and affirms.
- To give educators quick phrases that motivate and inspire.
- Learn communication strategies that dramatically reduce power struggles and learned helplessness.
- Develop ways of speaking that build relationship through the use of empathy, understanding, and mutual respect.
- Verbal skills that encourage personal responsibility.
- Words that encourage students to become proficient at self-examination and self-evaluation.
- Learn the difference between self- responsible and unself-responsible language and how to help students speak more responsibly.
- Discover how to use the Dynamic Discipline Equation for helping students see the connection between opportunity and responsibility.
- Crafting of Responsible Action Statements for students to live by in your classroom.
- Learn verbal skills to help students make decisions and become proficient at solution-seeking.
- Develop essential language to structure a classroom environment that fosters increased learning and appropriate behaviors.
- Learn how to handle tantrums (tots to teens) effectively.
- Become proficient with teacher-tested verbal skills that grant in fantasy what you won’t in reality, separates the deed from the doer, and ends the Command/Resistance Cycle.
- Learn quick, efficient higher level thinking questions to strengthen learning and help students come face-to-face with personal responsibility.
- Learn to replace language that escalates power struggles with words that diminish that phenomena.
Day 1:
- Overview of the two-day course.
- The “Don’t” alternative.
- “Next time…”
- “Check Yourself.”
- “I noticed…”
- The One-Minute Behavior Modifier.
- Introduction to the Voice of Structure.
- Healthy Limits.
- Responsible Action Statements.
- Three special words.
- Goal setting for implementation.
- Introduction to the Voice of Nurture.
- The language of empathy.
- Paraphrasing.
- Tantrum Tips.
- Dealing with student anger.
- Touches that nurture.
- Granting the fantasy and not the reality.
- Goal setting for implementation.
Day 2
- Introduction to the Voice of Teaching.
- The 4-D Model.
- Direct teaching.
- The perils of praise.
- Two parts of praise.
- Evaluative praise.
- Descriptive praise.
- Appreciative praise.
- Corrective feedback.
- Goal setting for implementation.
- Introduction to the Voice of Debriefing.
- Debriefing definition.
- Compelling Whys for debriefing.
- How to debrief.
- Designing debriefing statements.
- Goal setting for implementation.
- Introduction to the Voice of Accountability.
- The Accountability Continuum.
- Punishment vs. Outcomes.
- Controlled choice and outcomes.
- The cause and effect connectors.
- Related, reasonable and respectful outcomes.
- The Dynamic Discipline Equation.
- Manage your mind first.
- Goal setting for implementation.
- Closing activity.
- Course evaluation.
Trainer’s Profile
Chick M. is a veteran educator who has invested more than 50 years working with children, parents, teachers, and care-givers. More than 300,000 participants have attended his seminars. While writing and lecturing, he offers skill training to help parents and teachers create responsible, caring, confident young people. His seminars provide practical strategies that can be put to use immediately. Chick’s motivational stories and humor help participants connect with the content and adapt it for their own use.
Chick is the founder and director of The Institute for Personal Power. A consulting firm designed to deliver high quality programs to parents and teachers. He is the author of Spirit Whisperers: Teachers Who Nourish a Child’s Spirit and Parent Talk: How to Talk to Your Children in Words That Build Self-Esteem and Encourage Responsibility and The Teacher Talk Advantage: Five Voices of Effective Teaching. His latest book The Abracadabra Effect: The 13 Verbally Transmitted Diseases and How to Cure Them is co-authored with Thomas Haller.
This workshop will include lecture bursts, group work, individualized planning and reflecting, and discussion. Audio visual, experiential and paper and pencil activities will be included. Participants will be invited to think and adopt and adapt ideas presented to their own unique situations.
Target Audience
This workshop is designed for all teachers, administrators, counselors, coaches, and other adults who work in a school setting with students from kindergarten to high school (Ages 5-18).
SGD700.00/pax if register by 30 Apr 16
Other Details
Duration: 2 days, 12 hours
Closing Date: 1 Jun 2016
Other Available Sessions
- Skillful Conversations: Building Awareness and Connection in Schools – 22 May 2025 – 23 May 2025 – 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Online