Yoga promotes wellbeing, strengthens body and mind, improves coordination and flexibility and enhances breath awareness and relaxation. It prepares children to focus for other learning activities. Although yoga appears to be about the body, it is about the whole child: mind, emotions and spirit.
This workshop aims to make yoga developmentally appropriate, i.e. fun, active and stimulating to a child’s inner fantasy world The activities included draw on yoga, creative movement, tai chi and qigong.
The course aims to give a clear understanding and practical experience of :
- The latest brain research on movement and relaxation and it’s link with increased learning potential and health benefits for young children.
- A brief outline of the history and philosophy of yoga.
- Suitable warmups and activations to prepare the body and brain for concentration.
- Fun ways to encourage a varied movement repertoire through animal, bird and object poses using developmentally appropriate stories, music activities and games.
- Relaxation and creative visualization activities suitable for children
Day 1
- Introduction to yoga.
- Warmup activations and sequences
- Research into the body/brain connection and how movement and relaxation enhance learning
- Basics for using yoga: practical and safety issues
- Yoga play: stories and games that introduce easy poses
- Easy, fun breath and focus activities to aid concentration and introduce relaxation
Day 2
- Warming up the extremities: head, hands, feet and eyes
- Breath awareness for relaxation
- More yoga sequences and stories
- Sound games for relaxation
- Partner and group games
- Lesson planning using yoga and relaxation
- Progressive relaxation activities
- Visualization and creativity
Trainer’s Profile
Carol C. is a teacher and social worker with a Masters in Early Childhood Studies from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Carol has extensive experience in dance (folk, classical and jazz) and yoga. She specializes in educational early childhood performances as well as in-service music and movement training for early childhood teachers and carers in Sydney and throughout Australia. Carol, together with Gary, has produced a wide range of music and movement resources for teachers of young children. Carol’s passion is combining the many learning possibilities that music and movement offer young children, with a love of world music and dance.
This workshop is based on the principles of Adlerian psychology and will feature a combination of lecture and experiential activities, giving participants the opportunity to learn by doing.
Target Audience
Teachers of children aged 3 to 8 years
Duration: 2 days, 14 hours
Venue: 30 Prinsep Street, 4th Floor Prinsep House, Singapore 188647
Closing Date: 15 Nov 06
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